Posted on 14 March, 2018 in newsletter

Newsletter 14 March 2018 - Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing

A ‘Bakewell Community’ Call to Action: For as long as I have been working in the field of education which is over 25 years, I have had a passion for student wellbeing – and seeing young people positively engaged in learning, and thriving in life. It is probably what inspired me to be an educator in the first instance; a desire to make a difference and have a positive impact.

During this time, I have witnessed all too often the impacts of young people who struggle to connect and are struggling to find a pathway to success. What I have observed are the challenges of emotional and mental health of young people. I often read about and research this issue, but I seem to always land on this same point; LOVE. Our young people, (we all) need to be shown and receive care and love.

Read more, download the newsletter 

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