Student Led Conferences

  • 07 September 2020
  • RE: Student Led Conferences

    Student Led Conferences at Bakewell Primary School are scheduled be held in Week 8 this term on Monday 7 and Tuesday 8 September.

    Please Note: 1 Cooper’s Student Led Conferences will be held on Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 September.

    To make the booking process easier for families, we use an online booking process. You can book your Student Led Conference times online and at times that suit your family best.

    If you would like to book your Student Led Conference please use event code f94jv.

    BOOKINGS CLOSE Friday 4 September at 4pm. Parents wishing to change their interview times after the closing date should contact the school directly on 8997 7400.

    We look forward to seeing both you and your child at our Student Led Conferences in Week 8 this term.

    Kind Regards
    Jackie Roberts
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